Can You Heat A Party Tent In Winter?

Can You Heat A Party Tent In Winter?

Although most people opt to stay indoors during winter, if you had scheduled an event in winter, you shouldn’t put it off until summer or spring—you should go ahead and have it. The only thing you need to pay attention to is keeping your guests warm and comfortable.

Can you heat a party tent in winter? Yes, you can definitely do it.  For a great experience, don’t wait until the last minute to rush to the rental stores and rent the heating appliances—you should be thinking about how to heat your tent from the time you are renting the tent from party tent rentals.

When heating your tent, you need to remember several things that include:

It’s all about the size of the tent.

The tent’s size should guide you on the size and number of heating appliances you should get.

When you are in the rental stores, ask the representatives about the heating appliance output. Most appliances have an output of between 20,000 BTU and 12000 BTU.

If this is your first time renting the tent and heating appliances, ask the representatives about the right size and number of heaters you need.

In most cases, if your tent is 30 x 40 feet, one heater is enough to give you the warmth you need. A 40 x 60 tent will require two heaters and so on.

As you are placing the heating appliances, ensure you leave one side of the tent open, so there is enough air getting in. You also should ensure there are enough vents in the tents to prevent the hot air from getting out.

You have plenty of heating appliance options.

When many people think about heating their homes, they only think about electric heaters. This is limiting as there are plenty of heating options you can go with. These options include:

Natural gas mushroom heaters

The heaters use infrared heating mechanisms that ensure your tent is safe, as you don’t have to worry about accidental fires. Since they are small, you can place them almost anywhere without messing with the tent’s appeal.

The heaters are also known to provide even heat distribution, so you don’t have to place many of them in the tent.

To get the most from them, strategically place them in your tent, so the heat reaches every guest.

Portable propane mushroom heaters

Since they are portable, you can conveniently use them in any location. When the area away from the heater gets cold, you need to move them to that area.

Like natural gas heaters, they are safe to use as they don’t have an open flame. While this is the case, you should place them in an area with good air circulation to prevent people from inhaling the harmful gas.

When placing them in the tent, be aware of their capabilities, so you place them in strategic areas, so you don’t have warm and cold areas.

Electric mounted heaters

Electric heaters are known for their aesthetic and small look. They are also usually cheaper to rent, so perfect for you if operating on a budget.

Since they are mounted, you don’t have to worry about tipping and breaking them. To ensure the heaters don’t fall, mount them firmly half a foot from the tent roof.

When installing them, you should note that the emitted heat spreads sideways, unlike the other heaters where the heat spreads upward.

Patio heater

A patio heater provides a 10’ to 12’ warmth circle, so as you are installing them, pay attention to this, so you place it in a way that ensures no guest is out of the circle.

The heater uses propane, so when you are placing it in the tent, you will need enough clearance to ensure adequate air circulation.

Set up the tent for success

Before you place the heaters, ensure the tent is properly sealed to keep the cold out and ensure the heaters don’t overwork. It’s wise to have sidewalls in place to keep the gusts out.

When it comes to the entrance, give the guests a stylish entrance. This calls for you to rent from event party rentals Rockland NY, with tents that allow you to create hallways. The hall connects the outdoor spaces with the indoor spaces, which gives the guests time to warm up before they reach the official space. The hallway also keeps the tent warm for the entire event duration.

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