Event Rentals: Proper Dining Table Etiquette

Event Rentals: Proper Dining Table Etiquette

Every table and chair rentals follow a strict protocol and business etiquette to ensure their clients with professional standards and genuine customer satisfaction. This practice applies to you and everyone else who have been invited and have attended various kinds of dinner invitation – formal or casual, intimate or group.

Why Table Manners And Etiquette Are Important

Regardless of your age, salary or status in life, learning table etiquette and manners are important in life and there are two reasons why:

  1. To make others feel comfortable eating with you;
  2. To prevent yourself from being embarrassed.

Number 1 Reason

  • You may have experienced dining with someone who coughs or sneezes all over the food or hold them with dirty hands yet still manages to eat them as if nothing happened. While you observe them, you probably have promised yourself that that will never happen to you. Therefore, knowing the proper table and dinner manners is very important.

Number 2 Reason

  • Aside from being fully aware that your water glass is on your right and should never attempt to drink from someone else’s glass. You do know also that when in a dinner event: big or small, you will not start with your soup or main course until the hosts started to eat, right? But don’t worry; there are still a number of pointers that you should know by heart.

Knowing The Different Table Setting

Everyone should feel confident when sitting down at a dinner table regardless whether it’s a formal dining event with a six-course menu at a five-star hotel or an exclusive venue or an informal dinner invitation by a family or a friend. Being confident that you will not screw up, get embarrassed or ruin the event all depends on how far you know and how well you practiced it.

When in the United States, most dinner settings are informal, but should never attend to it wearing a too informal outfit like a toddler and what I mean is a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers.

Visualize this kind of table setting when attending an informal or formal US and European dinner event invitation.

On top of your plate is the folded napkin; the European sometimes add a bigger and a small plate. On the left side, you will see two kinds of a table fork, but the one that you need to use for your main course is the first one next to your plate. On the right side, you will see either a knife and two spoons or two knives and a knife; the latter is usually the European setting. On the upper right side of your plate are the water glass and the wine glass. The European sometimes adds one or two more glasses.  And the dessert spoon and fork are on top of your plate.

The Basic Dining Etiquette

The basic table manners make you enjoy not just the main course, but it also includes the proper use of your napkin, buttering your bread, and enjoying your coffee and dessert.

  • The Napkin Etiquette

Your napkin should be placed on your lap the moment you settled on your seat. Never hang it on your collar if you don’t want to make a monkey out of yourself. Use it by patting or blotting your lips and never use it as a handkerchief.

Once you’re done, you can just leave your napkin loosely folded keeping the dirty part out of sight on the left side of the plate.

  • Main Courses

Remember that the small fork is for appetizers and the bigger one is for the main dish this is usually partnered with a knife with a spoon if there is soup served as well.

  • Beverages

The water glass is always positioned on the upper right of your plate while the wine glass is one next to it.

  • Condiments

If one asks for the salt hand over the pepper as well.

  • Never check your phone otherwise excuse yourself for a while and attend to it.
  • Keep your elbows away from the table unless there is no food served yet.

Time To Wrap It Up

When it comes to dinner setups, the table and chairs event rentals Rockland NY will professionally comply with the kind of theme you wanted – big or small; formal or informal. For as long as you know how to act when on the dining table, you are good to attend to any kind of dinner invitation and event.

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